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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Childhood


Call of the Day: My Brother is a Bother!
By Dr. Laura on July 25, 2024

Derrick finds his little brother so annoying.

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Call of the Day: My Home Is Not Safe
By Dr. Laura on July 12, 2024

Ethan wants to protect himself and his siblings from his mom's abusive boyfriend, but how can a 13-year-old kid do that?

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Call of the Day: We Can't Be Perfect All the Time
By Dr. Laura on May 10, 2024

7-year-old George got so frustrated when his grades were slightly less than perfect that he ripped up his report card.

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Call of the Day: The World Is Full of Crummy People
By Dr. Laura on May 3, 2024

Dr. Laura knows just how 11-year-old Rassol should respond to the junior high bullies who are making him miserable.

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Call of the Day: I'm Suspended for Vaping in School
By Dr. Laura on March 15, 2024

13-year-old Lucas calls for Dr. Laura's advice on how to move forward with his family since being caught vaping.

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Call of the Day Podcast: It’s No Fun to Be Left Out!
By Dr. Laura on January 5, 2024

Sisters Briar and Macy are unhappy about being left out of their classmates' group chat since they don't have phones and access to social media.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine
By Dr. Laura on November 14, 2023

Dr. Laura talks to 6-year-old Joshua and his mom about childhood curiousness and why private parts are to be considered "special."

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childhood Deep Dive

Deep Dive: Surviving School Bullies
By Dr. Laura on October 5, 2023

I don't think there's a kid on earth who hasn't endured some type of bullying. If there is, they probably WERE the bully. And I'm going to address that in today's Deep Dive...πŸ“š Dr. Laura...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Grandson's Not a Sexual Harasser!
By Dr. Laura on October 2, 2023

How can Jackie help her grandson fight his school suspension for playfully swatting a teammate on his bottom?

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