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Topic: Childhood


Call of the Day Podcast: My Teacher is Mean to Me!
By Dr. Laura on December 16, 2022

#26 - Top 40 Countdown '22: Reese wants Dr. Laura's help in dealing with his mean teacher who won't let him get drinks or use the restroom whenever he wants. Dr. Laura: "Some of the best...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Sick of Not Getting My Way!
By Dr. Laura on December 14, 2022

#28 - Top 40 Countdown '22: 10-year-old Evelyn says she's tired of arguing with her mom over the things she wants that her mom won't give her. Dr. Laura: "Be the kind of daughter you'd...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Channeling Dr. Laura Helped!
By Dr. Laura on December 2, 2022

10-year-old Lola calls to say how she was able to deal with bullies in her school by applying the advice she has heard on the Dr. Laura Program.

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Call of the Day Podcast: What Does It Take to Be a Good Kid?
By Dr. Laura on November 25, 2022

5-year-old Evelyn is having a hard time adjusting to being a big sister and doing the things her parents expect.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Our Child Is a Yeller
By Dr. Laura on September 2, 2022

7-year-old Merril screams when she doesn't get her way, and she and her mom would like Dr. Laura's help with taming her temper. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "There are more effective ways to get what you...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Have Two Dads
By Dr. Laura on August 8, 2022

8-year-old Hinley is being pressured by her biological father's side of the family to stop calling her stepfather "dad." πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "The man who is fathering you has earned the honor of...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Mom Makes Mountains Out of Molehills
By Dr. Laura on June 14, 2022

Ellie is frustrated with her mom who she says overreacts when disciplining Ellie even for small infractions. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Children must be respectful of parents, and parents must be...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Struggling With Negative Thoughts
By Dr. Laura on June 11, 2022

Adison calls in with her mother seeking help with how to change her way of thinking to overcome her negativity and have more of a β€œthe glass is half full” perspective. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "The...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Dad Chooses His Phone Over Me
By Dr. Laura on May 3, 2022

Zidane says his father prefers texting others when the two of them spend limited time together. Dr. Laura: "The only way we can be disappointed is if we have an expectation that doesn't...

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