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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Courage


Call of the Day: My Dad Doesn't Know I'm Gay
By Dr. Laura on July 8, 2024

Dr. Laura encourages Pat to stop hiding the fact that she's gay from her father.

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Call of the Day: I'm in an Uncomfortable Situation
By Dr. Laura on June 14, 2024

Paula wants to make sure that her plan to report the inappropriate comment a colleague made to a student is the correct one.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Am I a Bleeding Heart?
By Dr. Laura on March 21, 2023

Michelle and her husband love rescuing dogs, but don't love the criticism they get from some who think they're overly dedicated to the cause.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Coming Out Healed My Relationship with My Dad
By Dr. Laura on April 17, 2022

Paul answers Dr. Laura's request for listeners to share the story of how they came out as gay to friends and family and shares how his life improved after sharing the truth with his parents.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm a Sucker For Scammers
By Dr. Laura on April 17, 2022

Kenitra says she has always been too trusting and has been taken advantage of by scammers several times. Dr. Laura: "People who long to be accepted can be easy prey."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Always Seem to Say the Wrong Thing
By Dr. Laura on November 13, 2021

Christine says she doesn't have the confidence to speak in social situations without putting her foot in her mouth. Dr. Laura: "Allow people to see who you really are by speaking the...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Grandmother Has 24 Hours to Live
By Dr. Laura on September 5, 2021

Mary Kate is apprehensive about saying good-bye to her grandmother during her last hours on hospice. Dr. Laura: "Being thanked for beautiful memories and told you are loved is an...

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Blog: The Power of Courage
By Dr. Laura on September 3, 2021

I’m going to talk about courage today, not heroism – that's sort of the epitome of courage. Heroism is not being a baseball star, a football star, none of that is heroism. You call those...

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Email of the Day: My Husband Is My Hero
By Dr. Laura on August 20, 2021

Almost two years ago, my husband woke up at 4 am to me having a grand mal seizure in our bed. He didn’t know what was happening, so he called 911 and followed their instructions to try to...

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