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Topic: Divorce


Email of the Day: What A Mess We Made!
By Dr. Laura on August 22, 2023

Before I became a step-parent, I wish I would have known my soon-to-be-ex-husband would NEVER revise his relationship with the mother of his child. I wish I would have realized he would...

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Email of the Day: My 5-Year-Old Was Afraid We Might Divorce
By Dr. Laura on August 14, 2023

When my wife and I were looking at our wedding pictures, our five-year-old daughter mentioned how pretty my wife looked (and that I looked cute too). She then asked if my wife was going to...

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Email of the Day: Our Marriage Suffered From Neglect
By Dr. Laura on August 3, 2023

I’m 69, and divorced after 30 years of marriage. The divorce came from many things. We β€œgrew apart,” meaning we became inattentive to each other, she withheld sex and I drifted into...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Memory Lane Is Full of Potholes
By Dr. Laura on July 28, 2023

Christi isn't sure if she should continue to participate in her adult children's rehashing of their family's unhappy past.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Why Am I Shutting Down?
By Dr. Laura on July 24, 2023

Ann is going through a divorce after 25 years of marriage, and she's wondering why she feels absolutely nothing.

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Email of the Day: My Teenage Daughter's Solution to Divorce
By Dr. Laura on July 18, 2023

When my daughter was 13, she was given a project in class to choose a world problem and come up with a solution. I was a bit nervous when she told me she had chosen divorce as her problem...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Mad About My Ex's Girlfriend
By Dr. Laura on July 18, 2023

Although she's happy to be divorced from her abusive ex-husband, Sarah is angry that he has moved on with another woman.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Chose Poorly
By Dr. Laura on July 10, 2023

Steve did not choose wisely and married his wife without getting to know her. Now he's stuck in a bad cycle that could be the end of him.        

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Call of the Day Podcast: Honesty's the Best Policy
By Dr. Laura on July 5, 2023

11-year-old Vania says she doesn't have the time to call her dad every day, but is she being truthful about the real reason she resists doing what he expects of her?

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