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Email of the Day

Picking My Battles

Dr. Laura:

I think it was divine intervention that I listened to you recently when you spoke with two callers about "feminine wiles."  Earlier that morning, I was upset with my husband and harshly told him :  'TONIGHT - we need to talk!!"

He left for work knowing I was mad, but this sweet man didn't know why.  I had made plans to "confront" him that night with something he had been doing that annoyed me.  Then I heard your call with the couple where you talked about how much power we women hold when it comes to the emotions of our husbands.  I am so thankful I was listening at that moment, because it hit me that with one "confrontation" I was about to have with my husband, it would have crushed him emotionally.  

The first thing my husband said when he came home was "I'm ready to talk about what's upsetting you so I can make it better."  I cried, put my arms around him, gave him a big kiss and told him "it wasn't that important."  I know that if I HAD had that "confrontation," he would have been hurt.  He possesses so many wonderful qualities that I'm ashamed that I was focusing only on one.

All the best,

Tags: Behavior, Character-Courage-Conscience, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Relationships, Values
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