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Email of the Day

Romance Novel Worthy

Dr. Laura, 

My husband and I have been married for 15 years, and the following story is why we have a GREAT, SWEEPING, romance! My husband has done many sweet things for me over the years and I often classify them as "Romance Novel worthy." Not sex/lust romance, but small, sweet, gestures that equal GRAND, SWEEPING love/romance! And recently there has been another such gesture. 

About two weeks ago, I asked my husband that while he and the girls were taking their nature walks in the back yard to please pick me up some brightly colored leaves off the ground so I could use them for some fall decorating projects. He and the girls went off to look, but after much effort, I mostly had pine needles and cones -- there just wasn't that much color yet. So fast forward two weeks and when my husband came home from running errands all over town, I went outside to see if I could help him bring in anything. He hands me a shopping bag full of the brightly colored leaves!  With critical errands to run, this 6'-6" gentle giant stopped by the side of the road and spent 10-20-30 minutes picking up and filling a bag with leaves, just because he knew it would make me happy. That's some good "romance novel" stuff, if you ask me! 

With much love and respect for the wonderful work that you do, 


Tags: Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Relationships
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