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Email of the Day

Teenagers NEED Tough Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior!

My husband and I have been married 35 years. We have 6 kids and 6 different ways to parent them. Our eldest daughter is now, 43 and our youngest daughter is 19! We have two sons and four daughters. Five have graduated college and are contributing members of society. We have a teacher, journalist, computer analyst, social worker, actor, and a daughter entering her second year of college....whew..!!!

When the kids were teens, we 'lost' our sweet children and had to learn how to deal with the MANY problems the teen years present. Not all the kids had behavior issues, but some of them provided us with some REAL challenges. When our daughter continued to drink, after being grounded for an entire semester and not allowed to attend a school Homecoming dance, we knew what we were doing was not working, so, I had an idea. I contacted our city D.A., and asked him if he ever needed 'volunteers', for alcohol busts...He said, "Yes." Long story short, when kids at the high school found out our daughter was a 'narc', no one had anything to do with her any longer, and, the stores where the 'group' had previously purchased their alcohol, were 'relieved' of their liquor license and we knew they would remember our child.... So, no more sales! A win for us and although she 'hated' us for the next few months....she finally admitted we did the right thing as she was going down the wrong path. Today, she is a teacher, mother to three sons and married to a great man!

Six kids...each one unique...thus, my husband and I were challenged to come up with individualized 'solutions'! Love listening to your radio broadcast, Dr. Laura!



Mom to six!!!


Tags: Parenting, Stay-at-Home Mom, Stress, Teens, Women's Point of View
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