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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Feelings


Call of the Day Podcast: Why Do I Let People Steal My Joy?
By Dr. Laura on November 3, 2022

How can Lauren change the way she reacts to negative comments?

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Need Help With Keeping My Cool
By Dr. Laura on October 31, 2022

Abby wants Dr. Laura's advice on how to control her temper around her husband and children.

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Blog: Why You Shouldn't Be a People-Pleaser
By Dr. Laura on October 17, 2022

I've heard callers say on air, β€œI'm a people-pleaser.” People say it as though it's appealing to hear. But it only appeals to people focused on being liked, not those who want an honest...

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Blog: What Would Dr. Laura Do?
By Dr. Laura on May 12, 2022

I'm asked a lot, β€œYou're there to help everybody with their problems, but do you ever have problems?”

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Mom is Fading Away
By Dr. Laura on November 24, 2021

Laura's mom is in a stage of memory decline, and Laura feels resentful and angry that her family hasn't done more to try to slow the progression of the disease. Dr. Laura: "It's normal to...

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Email of the Day: The Power of Touch
By Dr. Laura on September 27, 2021

I recently read a blog post you wrote about the importance of touch. My late mother would always connect with me by touching me in some small way. Touch speaks a language that overcomes...

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Email of the Day: I Told My Dying Grandfather How Much I Loved Him
By Dr. Laura on September 9, 2021

I spoke to you not long ago about my dying grandfather, and I wanted to give you an update. I went to see my β€œpaw” (as we call him) recently. My dad was already at his home, so I waited...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'd Like to Let Go of My Anger
By Dr. Laura on July 30, 2021

Karen's stepchildren told lies about her years ago, and she's still having a hard time letting go of her anger towards them. Dr. Laura: "Children are generally not happy about their...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Want to Be Around Pregnant Friends
By Dr. Laura on May 28, 2021

Lauren had a miscarriage and finds it difficult to spend time with her pregnant friend. Dr. Laura: "The best way to combat the sadness of your loss is to help celebrate the joy of others."

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