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Email of the Day: I Replaced a Bad Habit With a Good One

By Dr. Laura on October 17, 2022
Email of the Day: I Replaced a Bad Habit With a Good One

More than thirty years ago, when I was 22, I was a smoker and really wanted to quit. I’d tried several times without success. An older and wiser friend told me that I needed to replace my bad habit with a good one in order for it to work, so I decided to take up running.


By no stretch of the imagination was I athletic, so my first few β€œruns” were just a few blocks, with walking in between. When that first endorphin rush finally hit my brain, I knew I was hooked. Never had I experienced anything that felt as wonderful as that! Running became a glorious part of my life. My confidence went through the roof, too. My relationships improved, my work performance improved, and I even started college, which was something I’d never had the confidence to do before. It was truly a watershed moment in my life and I’m so grateful for it.


I’m 60 now and have shared this story with many others to encourage them in their struggles. I’m hoping it resonates with some of your listeners as well.



I Replaced a Bad Habit With a Good One




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