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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Let Myself Go

By Dr. Laura on January 11, 2024
Woman sits on ground in laundry room while head in her hands in front of a pile of clothes

My husband and I have been married for ten years. I let myself go, and in turn, let my marriage and my house fall apart. My husband ran into the arms of another woman. I was hurt by his choices, but I now understand how my actions and even my words made him feel like less of a man. I was not attentive; I was always negative. I was just not happy, and he felt he had no purpose in our marriage.


Then a friend gave me your book β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands,” and much of what the men in the book said I had heard my husband say many times. While we still have a lot to figure out and work through together, I know I need to work on becoming the wife I always wanted to be in the first place. I had always thought that if he gave me what I wanted, then I would be the perfect wife. I now realize that to be treated the way I want from him, I have to do the same thing back. I have to be the person I would want to come home to.




I Let Myself Go


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