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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Just Loving Him Made Me Happy

By Dr. Laura on December 11, 2023
Woman sits on the edge of a hospital bed while holding hands of man laying down

I'm so tired of not being able to have a conversation with other women about wives treating their husbands well without women immediately commenting that it "works both ways". Every time I see something on social media or get involved in a discussion about things a wife needs to remember about looking after her man, there are comments and chuckles about women needing things too and that if men were better at meeting their needs, wives would be nicer and sweeter.


My dear sweet, wonderful husband was in a serious car accident, leaving him severely brain injured and physically disabled. After 2 years of being in one hospital or rehab program after another, hopes being raised of getting him home where I could take care of him and then the same hopes crushed, we finally had to put him into a long-term care home. When I had finally accepted that we had to live apart, he passed away and now I've lost him forever. We were married 29 years.


Everything you tell women is true. The men aren't the ones complaining. My husband never complained, even when I wasn't a sweet wife. I followed your advice many years ago, changed my attitude and it DID make difference. I focused on just loving him and doing everything I could to make him happy and IT MADE ME HAPPY too. Now he's gone and I would give anything to be able to hold him again, cook his supper, wash his clothes, or meet him at the door after work. No one else seems to get this but you.


I'm sad that women are so taken with themselves they can't even be quiet long enough to listen to a suggestion, because their first response has to be "it goes both ways." I give up. But I'm glad you don't give up because for all the women who ignore your advice, there are lots like me who take it. Thank you for not being afraid to tell women they are WRONG.




Just Loving Him Made Me Happy


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