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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: My Daughter Is a Professional Mom

By Dr. Laura on May 30, 2023
Woman in striped dress stands at kitchen counter and hands food container to little girl while little boy stands at counter

My youngest daughter recently dropped off her two young children with me. We played with toys, read books, and took a long walk. When we got home, I started to prepare lunch for them when I noticed two lunch boxes on the counter. Inside were the most organized and nutritional lunches! I was surprised, but was happy to see this as I wasn’t that prepared to make their lunches. Then I had this thought about my daughter. She loves taking care of her family. Her husband is a great provider, father, and partner. When I looked at the packed lunches, I thought to myself, β€œshe is a professional mom!”



Although β€œstay-at-home mom” is a great title, I thought if someone were to ask her what she did for a living, a great response would be β€œI am a professional mom.” Being a real mom takes great ingenuity, patience, insight, forethought, planning, investigation, timing, budgeting, multitasking, and every other kind of skill on a moment’s notice, all without ever taking a vacation or sick day. I know a lot of professional moms, and I am in awe of them.



My Daughter Is a Professional Mom


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