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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Nobody Does This In Daycare

By Dr. Laura on August 21, 2023
Smiling woman laying down embraces baby sitting down and touching the woman's nose

My husband and I have an infant son, and weโ€™ve made many financial sacrifices so I could stay home with him. As a former teacher, I have always believed that being a mother is the most important job anyone could ever have. Itโ€™s hard to find like-minded women who are also staying home with their children these days. Regardless, I have never been one to conform or step down from my core beliefs and values contrary to what others are doing. I write poetry too, and wrote this small, simple poem. Perhaps some of your listeners would get something out of it as well. I call it โ€œIn Daycare.โ€



In Daycare


I rock my baby until heโ€™s asleep, with him close to my heart. Nobody does this in daycare.

When I sing to him from the bathroom, he knows we are not apart. Nobody does this in daycare.

When Iโ€™m home alone and thereโ€™s no adult to talk to, It sometimes crosses my mindโ€ฆ

But then my son looks at me with a sparkle in his eye and a smile that no one else could find.

I know how to make him laugh and how happy my baby can be.

Someone might get him to smile like that in daycare, but it wouldnโ€™t be me!

When he is older, Iโ€™ll make sure he eats every pea; teach him to look beyond what he can seeโ€ฆ

Nobody does this in daycare.




Nobody Does This In Daycare


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